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Simple and fast organic device encapsulation using polyisobuteneTONIOLO, Rogério; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A.Macromolecular materials and engineering (Print). 2004, Vol 289, Num 4, pp 311-314, issn 1438-7492, 4 p.Article

Low-Voltage Poly(3-Hexylthiophene)/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Field-Effect Transistor and InverterMACHADO, Wagner S; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A.I.E.E.E. transactions on electron devices. 2012, Vol 59, Num 5, pp 1529-1533, issn 0018-9383, 5 p.Article

ICSM 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, July 6-11, 2008PINTO DE MELO, Celso; CREMONA, Marco; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, issn 0379-6779, 273 p.Conference Proceedings

Performance of hybrid p-type vertical transistors with poly(N-vinylcarbazole) as emitter and the transfer mechanism of charge carriers through the baseJINYING HUANG; DONGGE MA; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Semiconductor science and technology. 2013, Vol 28, Num 11, issn 0268-1242, 115001.1-115001.5Article

Ambipolar permeable metal-base transistor based on NPB/C60 heterojunctionJINYING HUANG; MINGDONG YI; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Organic electronics (Print). 2009, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 210-213, issn 1566-1199, 4 p.Article

Sulfonated polyaniline/n-type silicon junctionsDA SILVA, Wilson J; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A; MELLO, Regina M. Q et al.Journal of materials science. Materials in electronics. 2009, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 123-126, issn 0957-4522, 4 p.Article

The role of Ti02 in the air-stable hybrid organic―inorganic light-emitting diodesMORII, Katsuyuki.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2312-2314, issn 0379-6779, 3 p.Conference Paper

Nanofibres from polyaniline/polyhydroxybutyrate blendsFRYCZKOWSKI, R; KOWALCZYK, T.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2266-2268, issn 0379-6779, 3 p.Conference Paper

Polymer composite of poly(vinyl phenol)-reduced graphene oxide reduced by vitamin C in low energy consuming write-once-read-many times memory devicesMAMO, Messai A; SUSTAITA, Alan O; COVILLE, Neil J et al.Organic electronics (Print). 2013, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 175-181, issn 1566-1199, 7 p.Article

The OFF to ON switching time and ON state consolidation in write-once-read-many-times memory devices based on doped and undoped carbon-sphere/polymer compositesMACHADO, Wagner S; MAMO, Messai A; COVILLE, Neil J et al.Thin solid films. 2012, Vol 520, Num 13, pp 4427-4431, issn 0040-6090, 5 p.Article

Unimolecular electronics and rectifiersMETZGER, Robert M.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2277-2281, issn 0379-6779, 5 p.Conference Paper

Preparation and characterization of novel hybrid materials formed from (Ti, Sn)O2 nanoparticles and polyanilineSCHNITZLER, Danielle C; MERUVIA, Michelle S; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Chemistry of materials. 2003, Vol 15, Num 24, pp 4658-4665, issn 0897-4756, 8 p.Article

Effect of solvent on PEDOT/PSS nanometer-scaled thin films: XPS and STEM/AFM studiesHU YAN; OKUZAKI, Hidenori.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2225-2228, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

Non-woven fabric of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanofibers fabricated by electrospinningOKUZAKI, Hidenori; KOBAYASHI, Keiko; HU YAN et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2273-2276, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

Preparation of helical carbon and graphite films using morphology-retaining carbonizationMATSUSHITA, Satoshi; KYOTANI, Mutsumasa; AKAGI, Kazuo et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2198-2201, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

All-organic vertical transistor in an analogous n-semiconductor/metal/p-semiconductor trilayer structureTAVARES, Ana C. B; SERBENA, José P. M; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Organic electronics (Print). 2014, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 738-742, issn 1566-1199, 5 p.Article

Vertical organic field effect transistor using sulfonated polyaniline/aluminum bilayer as intermediate electrodeSEIDEL, Keli F; ROSSI, Lucieli; MELLO, Regina M. Q et al.Journal of materials science. Materials in electronics. 2013, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 1052-1056, issn 0957-4522, 5 p.Article

A comparative study on hydrostatic pressure response of sensors based on N-doped, B-doped and undoped carbon-sphere poly (vinyl alcohol) compositesMAMO, Messai A; MACHADO, Wagner S; COVILLE, Neil J et al.Journal of materials science. Materials in electronics. 2012, Vol 23, Num 7, pp 1332-1337, issn 0957-4522, 6 p.Article

Ferroelectricity in synthetic metals: Reality and hypothesesBRAZOVSKII, Serguei; KIROVA, Natasha.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2205-2207, issn 0379-6779, 3 p.Conference Paper

A novel ferrocene-DOPPV conjugated copolymerGONCALVES, Camila S; SERBENA, José P; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo A et al.Macromolecular symposia. 2006, pp 22-26, issn 1022-1360, 1Vol, 5 p.Conference Paper

Micrometer-scaled OFET channel patterns fabricated by using PEDOT/PSS microfibersHU YAN; KAGATA, Tsubasa; OKUZAKI, Hidenori et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2229-2232, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

An in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical study of the controlled doping of semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes in a conducting polymer matrixKALBAC, Martin; KAVAN, Ladislav; DUNSCH, Lothar et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2245-2248, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

Inverse emulsion polymerization for high molecular weight and electrically conducting polyanilinesJIPING YANG; BO WENG.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2249-2252, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

The effect of lattice dynamics on electron localization in poly-(para-phenylenevinylene)LINARES, Mathieu; HULTELL, Magnus; STAFSTRÖM, Sven et al.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2219-2221, issn 0379-6779, 3 p.Conference Paper

Classical simulation of deposition of thiophene oligomers on TiO2-anatase: Relevance of long-range electrostatic interactionsALVES-SANTOS, Marcelo; CALDAS, Marília J.Synthetic metals. 2009, Vol 159, Num 21-22, pp 2302-2305, issn 0379-6779, 4 p.Conference Paper

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